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TOSS in Holland

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July 6, 2023
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How sick leave is arranged in the Netherlands

Has an employee fallen ill? That’s unfortunate for both you and the employee. You may need to postpone work or find a new (temporary) replacement. Meanwhile, there remains an ongoing contract with the sick employee.

The (sick) employee is entitled to guidance during their recovery, in addition to the right to continued salary payment.

100% risk on your part as an employer

If you find the insurance premium for sickness risk too high and are unwilling to pay it, there is another option. In that case, the sickness risk falls 100% on you. Feel free to ask us for more information and our experience in this regard.

Legal obligations

The Eligibility for Permanent Incapacity Benefit (Restrictions) Act (Wet verbetering Poortwachter) obliges the employer to provide correct guidance to the ‘sick’ employee(s). If you fail to follow the legally required steps, the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) can impose significant fines.

An occupational health and safety inspector is mandatory and guides employees back to the workplace as soon as possible. Additionally, they help prevent absenteeism as much as possible.

The advantages of being on TOSS Payroll:

If your employees are on TOSS payroll and TOSS is the legal employer, then TOSS is responsible for salary payment during sickness.

Salary costs during sickness

You can insure it with us at an attractive rate, so you are aware of your risk and possible costs in advance. You are assured of the right steps to reintegrate the employee(s) after recovery; TOSS has its own sick leave department with multiple case managers.

Sick pay in a payroll contract with TOSS

If the employee has a contract, sick pay must be paid until the end of the contract, with a maximum duration of 2 years. TOSS pays 90% in the first year and 80% in the second year. Both percentages are based on and calculated over the current salary with a maximum base.

Case manager via TOSS

With TOSS’s occupational health and safety inspection service, we are assured of the right steps for reintegration. We need a case manager for the guidance of sick employees. At TOSS, we have our own department for sick leave with multiple case managers.

Our occupational health and safety inspection service ensures that no wage penalty needs to be paid to the UWV. In that case, the advice of the company doctor and the case manager must have been followed.

Want to find out more about this matter, feel free to contact us.

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