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May 26, 2021
All | Settling

Cars in the Netherlands


The government of the Netherlands has made sure that we have a really great public transportation system. Even as the buses, trains and trams are very well organized, also the infrastructure for cars is really good.

Considering buying a car? Or renting? We can help you with the many options…


Options for having a car

There are 4 main options for having a car at your disposal in the Netherlands:


Import your own car

This is not the easiest or cheapest option, but it allows you to have your own vehicle.

Some companies will compensate you for partial or all expenses since they do not have to provide transportation for you.

It can be done, and TOSS can help!

Rent a car

There are many websites and online providers that you can search through.

Keep in mind that different agencies and brokers have different prices. It pays to shop around a bit.

Before agreeing to the rental contract make sure to check on:

Mileage – be informed about whether or not the vehicle you are renting comes with unlimited mileage or if you will be charged per kilometer.

Insurance – check, double check and triple check the terms of the insurance that is included with the rental and what your deductible will be. Standard insurance typically includes CDW (Collision Damage Waiver) and Theft Protection. Fees for additional coverage or a reduced deductible can be quite high at the counter.

Type of car – usually you are not guaranteed a specific brand, but rather something comparable in a certain category.

Fuel costs – usually you must return the car with the same amount of fuel as when you get it, but sometimes they offer a prepaid option.

All other Terms & Conditions.

Buy a car

Buying a car is a different thing altogether. There is a big market for new and used cars in the Netherlands. It involves more risk and more investment. Make sure you check the company when you buy a car. You can also use anwb.nl and rdw.nl to give you better insight into the car company and car history.

If you buy a car there are some things you need to keep in mind:

Registration – There are fees and a process involved with registering your vehicle, just as with your dwelling. It is required by law to register with the Rijksdienst voor het Wegverkeer (RDW). They will issue you a certificate of registration.

Taxes – You will have to pay motor vehicle tax, which will vary based on your car and place of residence. You can use the Belastingdienst website to get an estimate of what you will pay.

Inspection – You must take your car to be tested by a professional for safety and performance standards. How often depends on the vehicle but typically every one to two years you will need it to be tested in order to maintain the registration.

Insurance – Before you start driving your new car you will need insurance. There are different coverage amounts and policies available, but the lawful minimum will be required for you to carry.

Company car

Your employer could choose to give you a car. They would pay for it, and it would be considered taxable wages in the Netherlands. You would be taxed on the amount that it is valued at (monthly) out of your wages.

This is a very nice option, especially if you travel a lot!


TOSS Car Options

TOSS can introduce you to our mobility partner. Whether you need a cost-efficient car to go from A to B, a spacious model that fits your family or explore The Netherlands in comfort, our partner will source the car to your preference. They are very efficient, transparent and quickly find a suitable solution.

Also, if you would like assistance in buying or renting a car, we have some car lovers with buying experience and knowledge who are willing to assist you in, for example, your test-drive.

More information about this subject?

We are here to help!

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