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December 19, 2023
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IND Salary Criteria 2024

Update: There are new rules in 2025. Check them out in our latest blog.

Should you plan to employ a foreign worker or a highly skilled migrant in the coming year, 2024, there are important changes in laws and regulations, which you should take into consideration.

The Dutch immigration services (IND) uses specific salary criteria for a highly skilled migrant and has set a minimum salary for this. It is very important to meet the minimum of these specific salary criteria to be eligible for a visa and residence permit for highly skilled migrants.

Here are the new salary criteria for highly skilled migrants as of January 1, 2024.

How much must an expat earn as of January 1, 2024

In order to work and live in the Netherlands, an expat’s salary must have a certain minimum.

As of January 1, 2024, the salary criteria for a highly skilled migrant are the following:

  • Highly skilled migrants under the age of 30 must earn at least EUR 3,909.00 gross per month.
  • Highly skilled migrants aged 30 and above must earn at least EUR 5,331.00 gross per month.
  • Highly skilled migrants who graduated after their orientation/search year must earn at least EUR 2,801.00 gross per month.

*The amounts listed do not include vacation pay.

Compared to 2023 these salary criteria based on the IND regulations have increased.


What to do if you’re not an IND recognized referent, but would like to hire a foreign worker?

In addition to the salary criteria, it is also important that the residence permit is applied for by a sponsor recognized by the IND. If you do not have this status directly with the IND or you are not yet registered as such with the IND, we as TOSS can be a solution to this. We are an IND-recognized referent and as legal employer we can employ the foreign employee through our payroll services. We will also handle the application for residence and work permits with the IND, so that the expat can start working quickly.

Do you have any questions or need assistance with hiring a foreign employee, highly skilled migrant or expat international professional? Feel free to contact us or leave your details and we will get back to you right away!

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