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BSN in the Netherlands

BSN in the Netherlands

Moving to the Netherlands can be an exciting adventure, but also quite challenging because of the legal documents you will need. If you will soon be moving to the Netherlands, we recommend for you to apply for a BSN number. This unique identification number is required for things such as taking out health care and opening a Dutch bank account (IBAN). But what exactly is a BSN, what are the benefits of having it, and how do you get one? Read on to find out.


What is a BSN number?

BSN stands for ‘Burgerservicenummer’ or Citizen Service Number. It is your own unique number that will be linked to you once you are registered in the BRP ‘Basisregistratie Personen’ or Personal Records Database.

Not only do you need this important number when starting a new job in the Netherlands, it is a requirement if you wish to set up a bank account and health insurance. Your employer or the payroll company will also need your BSN to put you on their payroll. You can also use your BSN for any government service such as deducting your taxes and social security contributions, applying for benefits, changing your home address, etc.


How do I get a BSN?

When you are settling in the Netherlands you will be registered with the IND and the Tax Authorities. The IND will issue your residence and possible work permit. The Tax Authorities will include you in their administration the moment you are registered in the BRP. You need to register yourself for the BSN within 5 days of your arrival.

There are 2 options for this. You could collect your BSN together with your residence permit at the Expat Centre, or you could register yourself at the Community Hall (Gemeentehuis) in the area/place you are settling down (area where you will live).


Getting your BSN at your Community Hall

To get your BSN at the Community Hall near your place of residence is free of charge. You need to make an appointment and bring the appointment code with you. In the confirmation you receive you will be instructed as to what you need to bring besides your identification card/residence card/passport etc. If you are renting a place you will need to bring the rental agreement with your name and address on it. If you have purchased a home/residence you will need to bring the proof of ownership.


Collecting your BSN together with residence card

There are a few Expat Centres in the Netherlands. In these Expat Centres you can collect your residence card together with your BSN. The form that needs to be completed for the application with the IND will probably be given to you at this time. Normally your residence card is ready to be picked up at the IND Centre nearby the place of your work/ or place of residence. But you can mention that you would like to collect this at one of the below mentioned Expat Centres:

Amsterdam – Rotterdam – The Hague – Leiden – Nijmegen – Eindhoven – Twente – Tilburg – Maastricht

For this service you need to pay a small fee. The moment you hear that you are able to collect your residence card, you can mention in the appointment that you would also like to collect your BSN together with the residence card.


IBAN, Health Insurance and your payroll

The BSN is used as your personal number for all government linked authorities. It is also needed for your payroll and the Health Insurance.

After you have your BSN number you can begin to arrange your Health Insurance.

You need to inform your employer or the payroll administration when you have your BSN number.


Contact TOSS

We will apply for your Visa and we can also include our BSN service at the same time. We can discuss with you what needs to be mentioned in the Visa application.

After you arrive in the Netherlands, we will go with you to the Expat Centre or Town Hall and collect your BSN number. Click here to contact us.

Want to live and work
in the Netherlands? 

We assist you in every step of the immigration process. Ask your questions in the form below and we will get back to you within 24 hours!

    About TOSS

    TOSS combines experience within the world of payroll, international business, expat services and temporary employment, with the aim of making every related process as smooth and effective as possible. We offer a full-service package in the field of working, settling and living.


    20+ years experience


    IND recognized sponsor


    Network of specialists


    In-depth knowledge of local laws and regulations


    Offering housing solutions and furniture rental services